Winter Solstice Celebration Ritual
This celebration is on Zoom and payment is $20.
We’ll do a simple ritual to help you focus on what you want to create for the new year ahead.
PayPal me at wojton@comcast.net and email me at djunawojton@me.com for details and the link.

Crystal Healing Techniques for Reiki Healers and Massage Therapists
Session is in person and payment is $50.
You will practice and receive a group healing
Basic De-cording Technique
Old cords hold you captive in the past. Removing them helps you live in the present moment and move forward into the future
Gridding with White Light tool fills the tracks of the cords
PayPal me at wojton@comcast.net and email me at djunawojton@me.com for details.

Crystal Healing Techniques for Reiki Healers and Massage Therapists
Session is on Zoom and payment is $10.
Basic De-cording Technique
Old cords hold you captive in the past. Removing them helps you live in the present moment and move forward into the future
Gridding with White Light tool fills the tracks of the cords
PayPal me at wojton@comcast.net and email me at djunawojton@me.com for details and the link. It will be recorded.

Crystal Healing Techniques for Reiki Healers and Massage Therapists
Session is in person and payment is $50.
You will practice and receive a group healing
Fast Basic Detox
Use crystals to remove stagnant energy and release toxic emotions quickly
Opening the Flow Between the Chakras
Use Garnets to push negative energy out of the energy system
PayPal me at wojton@comcast.net and email me at djunawojton@me.com for details.

Crystal Healing Techniques for Reiki Healers and Massage Therapists
Session is on Zoom and payment is $10
Fast Basic Detox
Use crystals to remove stagnant energy and release toxic emotions quickly.
Opening the Flow Between the Chakras
Use Garnets to push negative energy out of the energy system.
PayPal me at wojton@comcast.net and email me at djunawojton@me.com for details and the link. It will be recorded.

Free Meditation
Since many of you have reported feeling stressed, I’m scheduling a free relaxing meditation on Zoom, to help you get through these troubling times.
You will experience a deep sense of inner peace, and I will recite “The Great Invocation” to bring in the Light.
However, you must email me at djunawojton@me.com with your request to participate by 9AM on Friday November 1 so I can send you the zoom link. Your friends and family are also invited.